Registering a Death


Registering a Death

In England and Wales, it is a legal requirement to register the death of a loved one within 5 days. You will need to attend a registration appointment at the register office that has jurisdiction over the area where the person died. You can find the contact details for all the local register offices below. Please ask if you have any questions relating to the registration process.

Who can register the death?

The death must be registered by one of the following individuals:

  1. A close surviving relative of the deceased, usually a spouse, child or parent

  2. A person present at the moment of death

  3. An occupant of the house in which the person died

  4. An appointed official from the hospital or institution in which the person was a patient or resident

  5. A person who is making arrangements with the funeral director, usually the executor of the deceased person’s estate

Most deaths are registered by a close relative; the registrar would normally only allow other people to do so if there are no relatives available.

What Documents are required to register the death?

There are several important documents and pieces of information that you will require in order to register the death. The documents that are required are as follows:

  1. The medical certificate of the cause of death, signed by the deceased person’s GP or by a doctor who cared for them during their last illness

  2. If available, the deceased’s birth certificate, marriage certificate and NHS medical card should also be presented

Facts and information that are required:

  1. The person’s full name at the time of death

  2. Any names previously used, including maiden surname

  3. The person’s date, town and country of birth

  4. The person’s last address

  5. The person’s current or former occupation

  6. The full name, date of birth and occupation of any surviving spouse or civil partner

  7. Details of any state pension and any other welfare benefits of which the person was in receipt

What Documents will be issued by the Registrar?

If there is no investigation being conducted by HM Coroner, and there is to be no post-mortem examination, the registrar will issue the following documents:

  1. A certified copy of an entry into the register of deaths (“The Death Certificate”). This will be required for handling administrative affairs relating to the deceased’s estate, such as banking and life insurance policies.

  2. A certificate for burial or cremation (“The Green Form”). This gives permission for the body to be buried or to apply for the body to be cremated. This form must be handed to the funeral director as quickly as possible.

  3. A certificate of registration of death (Form BD8). This is issued for social security purposes if the person was in receipt of a state pension or benefits.

In some circumstances, HM Coroner will issue special documents permitting the burial or cremation of the body. If this is required we will be able to advise you on any administrative and legal obligations, and will be able to handle all necessary arrangements with the relevant authorities.

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